Due consequential and operational, PK782 / YYZ ISB SUN, 12 FEB 23 has been FURTHER DELAYED.
Accordingly revised schedule for PK782 / YYZ ISB SUN, 12 FEB 23 is as follows:
PK782 / YYZ ISB / SUN, 12 FEB 23 / DEPART YYZ 2030 HRS (8:30 PM) LT / ARRIVE ISB 2000 HRS (8:00 PM) LT ON MON, 13 FEB 2023
Kindly advise ALL passengers you have ticketed accordingly.
It is mandatory that every agent makes a notation on all PNRs under:OSI PK ADVISED (NAME OF PAX) FLT DELAYEDto avoid any pax delayed expenses being charged back to you.
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