Appended below is PIA’s Summer Schedule effective 26th March till 28th October 2023.
Please note that1. Timings ex Pakistan vary due change back to Standard time in October.
2. Following Monday frequencies have been removed.
Monday, April 03, 2023
Monday, April 10, 2023
Monday, April 24, 2023
Monday, May 08, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
3. During these 5 weeks mentioned in Point 2, KHI will be having 1 frequency.
4. Loads for Monday / PK797 / LHE YYZ for the 5 flights mentioned in days / dates of Point 2 will operating on Sunday / PK797 / LHE YYZ instead.
Pakistan International Airlines |
PIA Summer Schedule S23, eff 26th Mar, 2023 till 28th Oct, 2023 |
All times LCL |
Kindly ensure all passengers you have already ticketed are aware of the Summer Schedule changes.
It is mandatory that every agent makes a notation on all PNRs under:OSI PK ADVISED (NAME OF PAX) FLT DELAYEDto avoid any pax delayed expenses being charged back to you.
Please extend our sincerest apologies to all concerned passengers for any inconvenience.