Written by 8:51 am Airline Updates

Additional Flights Schedule to LAX-PVG v.v & SFO-PVG v.v. routes eff. 01APR2024

With effective 01APR2024, the LAX-PVG v.v. (MU586/583) & SFO-PVG v.v. (MU590/589) services will be further increased with 2 additional to LAX-PVG v.v. and 1 additional to SFO-PVG v.v. routes. The JFK-PVG v.v. (MU588/587) and YYZ-PVG v.v. (MU208/207) routes shall remain unchanged.

Please see the revised 2024 Summer Schedule table with flight(s) increment at attachment  for your good reference.

Thank you all for your cooperation!

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